Pasta Dinner with Chi Omega Sorority

The brothers are welcoming the ladies of Chi Omega Sorority to our fraternity house here for the pasta dinner.  I was an early adopter of the new GSM cellular technology from this picture.  LOL.

I am enjoying my pasta dinner!

Here is a group picture of some of the ladies of Chi Omega with the brothers of Phi Beta Lambda and rushees.
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    Here is a picture from our Pasta Dinner with Chi Omega Sorority during Fall Quarter 2000.  It was held at our new fraternity house that year on Adams Greek Row.  Phi Beta Lambda Actives pictured are Ben, Jeff, and myself.  Forest was a rushee who later pledged.  I was the Master Chef for the dinner!  Our rush events were designed to let us to find out more about potential pledges before we gave them bids to pledge our house.  We usually had exchanges with sororites like this one, sporting events, BBQs, pizza night, or football nights too.

Last Updated:  May 25, 2003 6:07 PM