Seattle & Tacoma, Washington

Brunch at the Space Needle (Fraternity Trip in 1997)

Downtown Seattle from the freeway

The Space Needle can be seen in the background

The Glass Museum in Tacoma

Here is another view of the Glass Museum in Tacoma.
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    My fraternity had a western regional conference in Seattle in 1997 at the Doubletree Sea-Tac Airport.  Since I was State President of California Phi Beta Lambda, I led my delegation.  On the last day of the conference, we all had brunch at the Space Needle.  The views were pretty good since it hardly rained that weekend.  During that trip, we also saw Puget Sound, Pike's Market, and the University of Washington.

    I returned to the Seattle-Tacoma area in 2011 when I went up to British Columbia via Sea-Tac International Airport.  I visited Tacoma on that visit.

Last Updated:  May 1, 2012 6:44 PM